MAF credit
Disbursement Loans

About us
We offer the clients of select law firms loans to pay for the disbursements incurred in pursuing their personal injury claims. Our disbursement loans are currently offered under three brands:
- Legal Disbursement Funding Australia
- Fair Go Funding
- Claim Cost Funding.
How to be eligible for a disbursement loan
Our disbursement loans are available to individuals engaging select law firms on a no win / no fee basis for certain types of legal claims.
These claims include:
- motor vehicle accidents
- workers compensation
- asbestos
- public liability
- medical negligence
- superannuation / TPD
- ComCare
- military compensation
- and any other types of legal matters agreed with the individual law firms from time to time.
Don't win, don't pay disbursement loans
Our Disbursement Loan is provided on no win/no pay basis, meaning that the loan is only repaid out of compensation proceeds.
If your claim is unsuccessful, or your compensation proceeds are insufficient to repay the loan, you are not required to repay the outstanding balance of the loan from your own resources.
Is our disbursement loan right for you?
The size of loan we offer is equal to your lawyer’s estimate of the total disbursements for your claim and is for a term sufficient to cover the time your claim is expected to take to complete. Our disbursement loan can be used to pay all types of disbursements but does not cover your lawyers fees.
You aren’t required to pay any interest or fees or make any loan repayments until your case is complete – and even then, only if you win and receive compensation proceeds.
Please note, if you have sufficient financial resources to pay for your claim’s disbursements, you should consider funding the disbursements yourself.
For more information consult our Target Market Determination.
If you have a concern or dissatisfaction with your loan or the services we provide, please get in touch. We would value the opportunity to assist you, or your representative, in resolving any issues you may have in relation to our products or services.
Visit our Complaints Centre for more information about making a complaint and how it will be dealt with.
If you have a concern or query about your legal claim, please also contact the lawyer handling your case.
If you have taken out a loan with us and have a query, please call MAF Credit on 1800 975 009.1
Alternatively, please complete and submit the form below and we will be in contact as soon as possible.
1. MAF Credit Pty Ltd (ACN 623 716 503) is the holder of an Australian Credit Licence (ACL number 505163). MAF Credit is a subsidiary of MA Financial Group Limited ACN 142 008 428.
This webpage has been prepared by MAF Credit Pty Ltd. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this webpage is accurate, its accuracy, reliability or completeness is not guaranteed. The information on this webpage does not constitute an offer, express or implied, to provide any financing. MAF Credit Pty Ltd does not offer tax, accounting, or legal advice. Borrowers should consult their own tax, accounting, legal and other professional advisors on matters concerning any financing.